
Wednesday 10 June 2020

Monday 8 June 2020

summary and the Jacob Quiz

Comprehension and
Inferential Questions
 After reading the story, choose the
best answer for each question.
Highlight one answer.
1. According to the text, why does
Jacob stop playing the guitar?
a. It hurt his fingers.   
b. He’d rather play drums.
 c. It was too easy. 
d. He failed math.
2. To whom did Jacob want to play Black
Eyed Peas songs?
a. Alex 
b. Angie
 c. Mom 
d. Dad
3. According to the passage, why
does Jacob decide that he wants
a metal detector
a. He sees a man at the park with one. 
b. His father had one as a child.
c. He saw a TV commercial for one. 
d. He read an ad for one in a
comic book.
4. How does Jacob get the items
that he wants in the story?
a. He asks his mom.
b. He asks his dad
c. He shovels driveways and mows lawns.
d. He does all of these things to get what he wants. 

5. When did Jacob buy the metal detector?
 a. In the fall 
b. In the summer
c. In the spring 
d. In the winter
6. True or False: The metal detector was
a good investment for Jacob. 
a. True 
b. False
7. Why doesn’t Jacob’s father want to
get him the magician’s kit for his birthday? 
a. Jacob failed math class. 
b. Jacob quits too many expensive activities. 
c. Jacob has been mean to his younger brother. 
d. Jacob went to the park without permission.
8. Why does Jacob’s father buy Jacob the
magician’s kit?
a. Jacob mowed the lawn. 
b. Jacob reminded his father of himself.
 c. Jacob bought ice cream for his brother. 
d. Jacob found his father’s key ring.
9. Which word is closest in meaning to
the italicized word in the following
sentence from paragraph four:
“It was no surprise that Jacob’s
father was reluctant to buy him a
magician’s kit for his birthday”?
a. Happy
 b. Willing 
c. Proud 
d. Hesitant
10. What distracts Jacob from the magician’s kit?
a. A TV commercial 
b. His father 
c. The kitchen table 
d. A comic book
11. Based on the end of the story,
Jacob is most likely to go on and
do which of the following?
a. Become a great magician 
b. Learn to play guitar well
c. Detect an incredible hidden treasure 
d. Raise money to go to space camp
12. Which happened first in the text?
a. Jacob asked his dad for the magician’s kit. 
b. Jacob got a guitar for Christmas. 
c. Jacob mowed lawns.
d. Jacob shoveled driveways.
13. Which happened last in the text?
a. Jacob saved up $200.
b. Jacob found forty-seven cents in the park. 
c. Jacob took guitar lessons.
d. Jacob was influenced by a comic book. 

Algebra-Terrific Tiles Task By Rona, Fine and Josephine

Tuesday 2 June 2020

Wednesday 27 May 2020

Vocabulary Task

Growth mindset

Describe the person in this picture  

  • Would you describe them as stupid?
  • no because no one is stupid and you
  • learn from your mistakes.
     Would you describe them as smart? yes
if they make the right choices then they would
know how to learn from his/hers mistakes
  Could they become a doctor or pro sports player?
if they are good of what they become they become
then that would be their job then that but if they
want to do two stuff then whatever they are
good at then that would be their job or  player
they would want to become but if they are not
good at anything then that person would have
to practice on the stuff they would want to do
because you learn from your failures and move on.

Make a prediction… who will they become?
they would probably become someone who
makes mistakes sometimes but learn from
them and get higher of achievements.

What is a mindset?

  1. It is your brain that controls your body
  2. The left side of your mindset controls
  3. the right side of your body and the right
  4. side of your mindset controls
  5. your left side of your body
3.  It is your thinker your positivism
and your negativity  
4. it helps you to move your body and
learn how to do things
How do I get a growth mindset?
1. learning different stuff 
  • 2. making mistakes sometimes
  • 3. remembering stuff
  • 4. having lots of support
  • 5.  never letting go of your dream

The distinguishing feature
of geniuses is their
passion and dedication
to their craft, and particularly,
the way in which they identify,
confront, and take pains to
remedy their weaknesses.

Tuesday 26 May 2020

notes about structure of carbohydrates

C Carbon           1       6 Carbon atoms 
H Hydrogen       2       12 Hydrogen atoms
O Oxygen          1        6 Oxygen atoms

Monosaccharide which are also called simple sugars 
Disaccharide which are also called double sugars
polysaccharide which are also called complex sugars

Monosaccharide and Disaccharide are also known
as simple carbohydrates 

Monosaccharides are smaller molecules of which
the most important being glucose 
Glucose= 6 carbon carbohydrate 
And when it’s dissolved in water it will form a
ring that's represented in this ring model the 3
dimensional model of glucose looks something
like this they all represent the same molecule
Monosaccharides there are two more that
are called fructose and galactose which is
this like glucose both of them have  6 Carbon atoms
12 Hydrogen atoms and 6 Oxygen atoms but
there structures are all slightly different not all
Monosaccharides are 6 Carbon molecules