
Monday 19 August 2019


A Robin is a vertebrate because it 's a spin but it lays eggs so it is not a mammal. It lives in a tree but it builds a nest  so it can lay its eggs and feed their babies. Yes they stay mate for life so when they have eggs together and have babies to look after.
There are a lot of birds around the country and around the forest.

It gots wings, bick and a feathers.

They are warm blooded so they are a mammal and they are vertebrates because they have a spine.

It is small so you can’t catch it in one try it is very hard to catch it not even its own predator can even get it that fast and it can even fly away and it looks like a sparrow but it just got red in its feathers.

It eats earthworms, grubs,  insects larvae, caterpillars and slugs because it is an omnivore so it eats meat and other things like that.

Image result for robin

Image result for robin eat

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